MoiFavs Friends Share Their Coolest App Finds – Part 2

Time for a second round up of our fav phone apps. We have an interesting list – yet again. Just an insider secret, turns out most of us are devotees of the #Instagram app – so these are technically our second favorite apps. On that note, do not forget to follow us on Instagram @moifavs

\”At the moment I am using a fitness app called SWEAT – a fitness tracker + workout app. There are so many interesting features, but I love the fact that it allows me to work out at home (and not in the gym) with the guidance of expert personal trainers. Very good instructor app, as it lets you choose the type of workout that you are comfortable with, and also shows you how to do it. Most of the workouts are about 20-25 mins, but after you are done, it feels like you have worked out for an hour. Most useful app ever – I am totally lovin\’ it!\” ~ Asu Longkumer, 27, Fashion Stylist


\”CURIOSITY. I love this app and use it to learn random facts\”~ Rohan Abraham, Founder & Chief Traveller, IndiaTrail


\”Next to UBER, my other fav app would be WAY OF LIFE – it\’s a habit building app. I use it to stay productive and to keep a track of my habits\” ~ Ane Kevichusa, Executive Director of Admission, SCAD Hong Kong


\”CURRENCY CONVERTER.  Travelling is my first love so this is my favorite app so far (next to Instagram of course!) Converting rupees to local currency is super quick and simple with this app. Also comes in handy when I am shopping and if I want to compare just how cheap/expensive the stuff are lol.\” ~ Mahima Shukla, 30, Fashion and Lifestyle Consultant


\”MEITU is my new find. It\’s a photo editing app that has a lot cool features, and even better filters than Instagram. Very easy to use and intuitive user interface. Try it out! \” ~ Neha, 33, Management Consultant, Hong Kong


\”I recently downloaded this app called PERFECT 365 , and it has been a life changing move (hahaha! ) But it really is! It\’s a photo editing app – which basically allows you to re-do your whole makeup. It\’s a super fun app – that is also very entertaining, useful and helps you indulge in your creativity!\” ~ Virtsonuo shurhozelie , 21, London College of Fashion 


Are you using any cool app? Share with us on, or comment below! In case you have missed out on our first list, you can catch up on the list here